#1 TransLAtional Mobilisation Theory

Introducing Translational Mobilisation Theory


What is Translational Mobilisation Theory?

Translational Mobilisation Theory is a sociological theory, which provides a framework for understanding and investigating the emergent organisation of collaborative work practices in institutional contexts.


What does Translational Mobilisation Theory (TMT) contribute?

Contemporary society is characterised by a growing volume of complex collective activities that require people to work together to achieve a goal but which cannot be organised through bureaucratic models and linear management processes alone (Hernes, 2014). 

  • These ‘emergent organisational forms’ (Allen, 2018c) require on-going negotiations and mutual adjustment in response to contingencies and are increasingly common across a range of institutional contexts. 

  • An institutional context is any recognised social space where there are maxims and norms that offer a pattern of, and a pattern for behaviour.  

  • Understanding collective action of this kind is both a sociological and practical concern. 

  • Translational Mobilisation Theory can be used to describe and explain the emergent organisation of collective action in institutional contexts; it supports comparative analysis and facilitates cross-sector learning for research and quality improvement purposes




Allen, D. (2018c)
Care Trajectory Management: A conceptual framework for formalising emergent organisation in nursing practice, Journal of Nursing Management, 1-6. DOI: 10.1111/jonm.12645 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jonm.12645

Hernes, T (2014)
A Process Theory of Organization. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.